(Key to designations below)
The Judas Kiss by David Hare
Ladies by Kit Steinkellner WP
How the Light Gets In by E.M. Lewis WP
A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams
Her Portmanteau by Mfoniso Udofia SP
Everything That Never Happened by Sarah B. Mantell WP
Collective Rage: A Play in 5 Boops by Jen Silverman SP
The House in Scarsdale by Dan O’Brien WP
With Love and A Major Organ by Julia Lederer
Colony Collapse by Stefanie Zadravec WP
The Golden Dragon by Roland Schimmelpfennig
Bars and Measures by Idris Goodwin RWP
The Missing Pages of Lewis Carroll by Lily Blau, dvlpd in collab with Sydney Gallas WP
My Barking Dog by Eric Coble SP
Shiv by Aditi Brennan Kapil
Seven Spots on the Sun by Martin Zimmerman (co-pro with Rattlestick Playwrights Theatre) WCP
*Mojada…A Medea in Los Angeles by Luis Alfaro (co-pro with The Getty Villa, Malibu)
*Everything You Touch by Sheila Callaghan (Rattlestick Playwrights Theatre at The Cherry Lane, NYC)
*Happy Days by Samuel Beckett (The Flea Theater, NYC)
- The Twentieth Century Way by Tom Jacobson (Rattlestick Playwrights Theatre, NYC)
Se Llama Christina by Octavio Solis RWP
Everything You Touch by Sheila Callaghan (co-pro with Rattlestick Playwrights Theatre) WP
Stupid Fucking Bird by Aaron Posner (co-pro with Circle X Theatre Co.) SP
Happy Days by Samuel Beckett
*Happy Days by Samuel Beckett (Commonwealth Shakespeare Co., Boston)
Cassiopeia by David Wiener WP
American Misfit by Dan Dietz SP
Alcestis by Nancy Keystone (co-pro with Critical Mass Performance Group) WP
RII by William Shakespeare and Jessica Kubzansky WP
The Treatment adapted from the Chekhov short story for stage by Richard Alger and Tina Kronis (co-pro with Theatre Movement Bazaar) WP
The Children by Michael Elyanow WP
The Government Inspector by Nikolai Gogol adapted by Oded Gross (co-pro with Furious Theatre Co.) WP
Creation by Kathryn Walat WP
Camino Real by Tennessee Williams (co-pro with CalArts Theatre)
How To Disappear Completely and Never Be Found by Fin Kennedy AP
Heavier Than… by Steve Yockey WP
The Dinosaur Within by John Walch SP
Oedipus el Rey by Luis Alfaro RWP
The Twentieth-Century Way by Tom Jacobson WP
The Good Book of Pedantry and Wonder by Moby Pomerance (co-pro with Circle X Theatre Co.) WP
Futura by Jordan Harrison SWP
Tartuffe by Molière, transl. by Donald Frame
Courting Vampires by Laura Schellhardt WP
The Pain and the Itch by Bruce Norris (co-pro with Furious Theatre Co.)
God Save Gertrude by Deborah Stein, music by David Hanbury, lyrics by Stein & Hanbury WP
Othello by William Shakespeare (co-pro with LA Women’s Shakespeare Co.)
1001 by Jason Grote SP
Gulls – book & lyrics by Nick Salamone, music by Maury McIntyre (a musical adaptation of Chekhov’s The Seagull) WP
The Sequence by Paul Mullin WP
Gilgamesh adapted from Stephen Mitchell for the stage by Stephen Sachs WP
Bleed Rail by Mickey Birnbaum WP
Paradise Lost: Shadows and Wings – music and book by Eric Whitacre, lyrics by David Norona and Eric Whitacre WP
Dark Play or Stories for Boys by Carlos Murillo SP
A Picture of Dorian Gray – adapted from Oscar Wilde for the stage by Michael Michetti WP
The Winchester House by Julia Cho WP
Unfinished American Highwayscape #9 & 32 by Carlos Murillo WP
The America Play by Suzan-Lori Parks
Medea by Euripides, transl. by Paul Roche
Echo’s Hammer by Ken Roht WP
Pera Palas by Sinan Unel (co-pro with Antaeus Theatre Co)
Mother Courage and Her Children by Bertolt Brecht, adaptation by David Hare
Cold/Tender by Cody Henderson WP
Summertime by Charles L. Mee
A Winter People by Chay Yew USP
Light by Jean-Claude Van Itallie WP
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
WP: World Premiere
RWP: Rolling World Premiere
SWP: Shared World Premiere
SP: Second Production
WCP: West Coast Premiere
USP: US Premiere
* denotes production produced off-site.